I am surrounded by sea

Hello, and welcome to my cold, dark corner of the internet! I'm Thalasso (they/them), a 24-year-old aspiring physicist from the Philippines who draws, writes, and worldbuilds in my spare time.

This is just a place for me to host some of my projects and maintain a low-key online presence, without having to worry about algorithms to feed, or compression stealing all of my pixels. This website is generally SFW, possibly with some swearing. The sea theme is just for flavor, most of my content isn't related to the sea.

Future Plans

  • Add some color to this dump
  • Create lore sites for some of my projects
    • Heartfall. Current "main" project, and kind of the reason I thought of making a neocities.
    • Shards of Onyx. Secondary project.
    • The Nocturnals. Tertiary project (questionable).
    • My unholy number of "standalones".
  • Figure out how to make a gallery to host my Art

Red links currently don't lead anywhere yet.